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Using GitHub

While the basic function of GitHub is code version control, it has many other useful features that can be used to manage projects. These are especially important when working as part of a team. Using GitHub for a single-person project may feel like overkill and some people are resistant to it for that reason. In a team situation, though, the risks and problems quickly balloon and it is a good investment of time to establish robust working routines. Using GitHub is not the only way to do this, but as one of the most popular services, it has reliability and recognition value in its favour.


When you are working on a string of similar tasks using the same tools it can get a bit boring. A natural tendency is to internalise short and reliable patterns for getting the work done. Perhaps it involves remembering to save your work at a particular point before going on to the next step, or creating stub tests as you go along so that you don't have to think too hard later on. As time goes on, you can reach the point where you just do these things on autopilot. What you are doing is creating and maintaining a workflow. Just as with design patterns and many other aspects of software development, the way you organise your work is up to you. If you are working alone, creating your own workflows is convenient, but in a team situation it becomes vital going far beyond simply alleviating the boredom of repetition.

One of the issues that needs to be addressed in a team context is that different people prefer to do things in different ways. That is OK up to the point that it starts to reduce the overall efficiency of the team effort. That can occur for example if one person on a team fails to take into account someone else's needs. In that case, something does not get done at the most efficient moment, and time is lost later. Another case is where a developer finishes the task they are on but fails to update the documentation or let the rest of the team know that the task is complete. The solution to these and many other types of communication and coordination issues is to establish team workflows and to make sure that the whole team sticks to them.

GitHub defines several standard workflows that teams can follow when making changes to code. They mainly revolve around the concept of branching. This only takes care of problems that are directly related to development work, however. If a team is also using GitHub's issue tracking features, workflows are also needed to make sure that they get done right first time. These notes will define particular workflows to deal with several aspects of team code development. They are not necessarily optimal in all situations, and they are far from being the only way of doing things. They do, however, define some reliable routines for small teams.

Definition of Done

In Scrum, the Definition of Done (DoD) is a checklist of things that need to ticked off before a task is considered finished. An example of a simple DoD might be:

  • All acceptance criteria are met
  • Unit test coverage > 80%
  • Functional tests passed
  • No known defects
  • Peer code review is complete
  • Documentation is updated

The DoD is a key part of a Scrum workflow because it requires a developer to take certain actions at the point that a development task is finished. When working with platforms like GitHub, we can also add administrative items to the checklist such as:

  • Pull request created
  • Issue status set to Complete

Certain items in the DoD assume that other actions have been taken earlier. For example, acceptance criteria must have been defined, and a development branch must have been created. The full definition of the workflow includes all the steps in the process and arranges them in the most efficient way.

Definition of Ready

Another key point in the development process is when the developer starts making code changes. We can either assume that they are ready to do this, or we can create a Definition of Ready (DoR) to be sure. The DoR might include items such as:

  • Requirements are clear
  • Requirements are testable
  • Requirements are feasible
  • Acceptance criteria defined
  • Dependencies identified
  • Developer is identified

As with the DoD, administrative items can be added such as those shown below which close the loop on some of the DoD items:

  • Assign GitHub issue to the developer
  • Create a development branch
  • Synchronise development environment

In addition, there might be planning or documentary items on the list that are related to understanding the requirement:

  • Original issue has been elaborated
  • Use cases have been defined
  • Database changes have been identified and documented

General overview

In light of the previous sections, two main phases of activity can be identified around any piece of development work. The time required for each stage depends on the complexity of the original issue.

Development process

Further reading

GitHub flow

5 Git workflows

Definition of Done

Definition of Ready