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The T5 microcontroller collects the data from all three sets of sensors vi a grey ribbon cable. The sensor units are daisy-chained together by connecting the lower sensor unit to the one above. To do this, plug the black connector of the lower sensor unit into the grey connector on the cable of the one above as shown below. This is most easily done after positioning the sensor units in the GrowCube.

Daisy chaining the sensor units

The connectors are designed so that they can only be connected in one way. If you want to double-check, you will find that the red edges of the cables line up - i.e. the red edge is continuous from the T5 to the bottom layer.

Installation simply involves placing each sensor unit in the front-right corner of the appropriate layer of the GrowCube as shown below and the T5 on the top. We recommend that you secure the T5 enclosure with some double-sided tape to prevent it slipping on the top of the GrowCube or being accidentally knocked off.

Tray layout

The ribbon cable should fit easily through the gap at the top of the doors. The image below shows the sensor units in place with their cables tucked out of the way down the sides of the trays (yes - our bottom tray is currently missing...).

Sensor units installed in the GrowCube