Node registration
To ensure that the data that is uploaded by your node is correctly associated with your school, your node needs to be registered. This is a simple process of entering the MAC address of your node into the superuser dashboard in the Dandelion app. This is done through a standard web browser and does not rely on your node being connected to wifi.
What's a MAC address?
The MAC address identifies the node when it is connected to a network and is often needed by computer technicians to allow a device to connect. Every device that connects to the internet has a unique MAC address. You can find the MAC address of your node by putting it into configuration mode and connecting to it using a web browser.
As shown below, the form in the app also asks for your GrowCube code. If you have not been given one, please enter a code of your choice into the first field.
Once this is done, you will be able to see the details of your node in the app and you will receive alerts if anything goes wrong or needs checking.